sito in costruzione


Authorized dealers of best brands:

Tecniques Tents: Silent Gliss  - Pellini - Suncover

Awnings and bower: Frama - Stobag - Pratic - Shadelab

Technical floor: Quick step - Parquet - Moquette

Soft fabric for outdoor and marine: the best brands

CTC Colombo Claudio io one of the most repitable laboratories upholstery area, with years of experience in the design and construction of craft tents for indoor and outdoor and bowers, in the restructuring of armchairs and sofas and everything related to the lining and exterior of your home.


The company guarantees the highest quality of its work since performed with great attention to detail and materials produced by the best companies in the industry.


The sofas and craft tents for indoor are designed and made to measure with traditional method in accordance with the requirements of the customer is followed in the choise of finishes, accessories, colors and fabrics that best fit the style of furniture and housing needs.

We also manufacture traditional tapestries stretched.